Diving courses March 2020 First week

March is the first month of the diving season in Egypt and exellent time to start the PADI Open water course and PADI Advanced open water course in Hurghada, Egypt.

We start the month with our dear guests from England, France and Germany.

Hamid, Yousef, Jamal, Kevin and Alec succesfully finished PADI Open water course with Diving Star center and Rachael succesfully done PADI Advanced open water course.

We would like to thank you for choosing our diving school for your first underwater experience and continue your diving career adventures. We wish you to have lots of fun and adventures, enjoy your dives !

Here are some warm reviews about diving experience with Diving Star center in Hurghada from our dear guests


From the first moment I enquired about booking, the customer service provided by Diving Star has been second to none.
The boat (Sweet Maya) is well staffed with an incredibly lovely crew, who were always so friendly and helpful. I travelled by myself to complete my open water and advanced open water PADI courses within one week. My instructors (Mohamed and Mahmoud) were professional, patient, and very safety conscious. Even though I had no previous scuba experience, I always felt calm and safe underwater, knowing that these guys were around.

Rachael Campbell

thank you for everything. it’s a very good experience 😁 we meet a very good people. Thanks for the captain thanks for the dive master thanks for the cooker thanks for everyone you are the best and we come back when we go again in hurgada ❤


Tauchschein hier gemacht. Trainer und das Team nett, hilfsbereit und kompetent.
Es waren sehr wunderschöne Tage.
Bis zum nächsten mal
Hamid.belhachmi Bel

Es waren sehr schöne vier Tage am Bord. Ich habe PADI Prüfung absolviert, dafür bedanke ich mich bei dem Tauchtrainer und dem Team.
Youssef Lemlili